Sunday, June 23, 2013

Break the mold or stay inside the lines?
It is coming to my attention that reviewers are coming at writers from all angles now - plots, style of writing, handling point of views and yes even your vocabulary expansion.
So how do you handle them when you are a non-canon writer and want to try something new?

So many of you girls can write beautifully and far better then S.M could ever dream of, so why would you write a Twilight fic in the same style she wrote in? Why would one want to is a better question. Yet it seams when we try to break the mold, write something funnier, sexier or smarter with more depth and emotion we are flagged by reviewers with comments of ...
"Who talks like that? We don't talk in poetic terms. Write it in English." - No we don't, but maybe you should expand your vocabulary and enjoy a bit of differences/spice in your reading?
"Who talks like that? We don't talk in poetic terms. Write it in English." - No we don't, but maybe you should expand your vocabulary and enjoy a bit of differences/spice in your reading?
"Stop writing in prose style, this isn't Shakespeare meet Twilight." - Um, Twilight was influenced by Midnight Summers Dream... just sayin.
"This is way too dark to be Twilight" - Have you read most of the wolf packs and vamps background stories - they aren't pretty and mostly are dark.
So how do you react to reviewers like that? Do you say f*** it and give'em the one finger salute and keep doing your thing or do you confined yourself to pull back and write in more simple and common terms. But how then how do you grow as a writer and stop yourself from being repetitive - something S.M. is very famous for doing in all her books on the Twilight Saga?
Then again, maybe readers should grow and not expect everyone to write the same and embrace a little change in their reading list?

People flag stories that lack originality, so we try to write a new plot that hasn't been done a thousand times but sometimes that is not good enough because then you get hit with, "OMG, stop with the "high school" talk - which I am guilty of thinking inside my head because that turns me off from a fic faster then anything.
So what do you do - you expand your vocabulary and find new emotional grounds by just doing that. You describe things differently and develop your own style.
Yet when we do, how far can we go with it before we lose our audience? I find it a hard act to balance because I write dark and sometimes in prose style. It's my signature in stories, I'm emotional manipulator (was told that by a reviewer and thought it was pretty pierce).
However I am still to this day - getting hit with reviews of how I've pushed it to far, need to write in English and not in poetry grammar, or just stop writing all together because my plots are to confusing and I rely on emotions to carry the weight of the story.
So how can we, angst writers, still write something on our own terms but still engage an audience so we aren't writing for just ourselves? Thoughts? Suggestions?