
So many stories, so many Edward's to choose from. I love them all. What can I say, I love Edward. But my favorite Edward is a dark and naughty Edward. And the bad boy of them all...Darkward. 

You can find my Darkward rec's - Here
Darkward banner by Ange de l'aube


I don't read many slash fics but when I come across one I like, I am in all the way and loving every word. I find these stories to be some of the best well written stories in the fandom. The depth of emotion these stories touch are just awe inspiring and the women writing them, amazing.

You can find my Slash rec's - Here
Segment Banner by PMU 

Let's dabble in the world of the wolves with the wolf pack lovers together...

Photobucket Photobucket

For Wolf Fic Spots - Recs | News
Wolf Graphics by PMU

This community is a collaboration between two site owners that thought it was about time to bring both sides of the fandom together in one community. 

As lovers of both sides of the fandom (wolf/vamp) we got together and put together the perfect idea...

You can find No Boundaries rec's - Here
Banner by PMU

Recs to start your weekend off...

You can find Saturday Morning rec's - Here
Banner by AnIllicitWriter


Twi Fic Meet Up

Additional Segments

Fandom Rec Guest Review Stories
In The Spotlight
Affiliate Interviews

Communities I Love and Follow 

Fic Sisters - Favorite Fandom Rec Site
TwiFictrivia FicList - Love the game, love their story pics.
PLF2 - List of Rec's - Great for fic diving completed stories.
Nicffwhisperer Favorities - Not a community but some great recs

Some things are left undone, some words are left unsaid, some feelings are left unexpressed, but someone as sweet as you could never be left unmissed... 

Oh the Memories...

Many thanks and hugs to the artists who have created all my graphics. 
Without these talented lovelies, I would not be as pretty as I am.

Website Site Edits & Graphics

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"I was once told I was blinded by my own flaws, 
that my content was too dark and violent. 
I have never been more encouraged to succeed. "