Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Summary: EPOV companion to my FAGE3 submission 'Fascination'. Written for Dolly Reader's birthday. AU/Vamp
My favorite thing in the whole world about a one shot is when it continues in to a multi fic or the author gives us outtakes here and there.
Needless to say I was ecstatic when I came across Edward's Fascination. It is the continuation of Fascination, a one shot that I was completely in love with. Did you read it? You should. It is a fabulous spin on the vamp/human ExB with Bella as the vamp and Edward as her human prey.
Edward's Fascination picks up right at the end of Fascination with Edward waking up as a vampire. You get a look in to their relationship and the strong bond of their mating. It is a great one shot that gives you just a bit more of the story. Naturally, I would love for the story to continue, but Evilnatty gives you the joy of seeing Edward's new life as a vampire, so I am very happy about that.
Both Fascination and Edward's Fascination are worth the read. Not fluffy and not to dark. A perfect balance of the vampire life told through the eyes of Edward and his immortal love for Bella. Well written, entertaining, a story that definitely makes you smile. And best of all, some closure so that you aren't wondering what happened at the end to Edward in Fascination.
I recommend you read Fascination first so you have an understanding of the nuances. But even if you don't, Evilnatty wrote Edward's Fascination so well rounded, you will enjoy it regardless.
Needless to say I was ecstatic when I came across Edward's Fascination. It is the continuation of Fascination, a one shot that I was completely in love with. Did you read it? You should. It is a fabulous spin on the vamp/human ExB with Bella as the vamp and Edward as her human prey.
Edward's Fascination picks up right at the end of Fascination with Edward waking up as a vampire. You get a look in to their relationship and the strong bond of their mating. It is a great one shot that gives you just a bit more of the story. Naturally, I would love for the story to continue, but Evilnatty gives you the joy of seeing Edward's new life as a vampire, so I am very happy about that.
Both Fascination and Edward's Fascination are worth the read. Not fluffy and not to dark. A perfect balance of the vampire life told through the eyes of Edward and his immortal love for Bella. Well written, entertaining, a story that definitely makes you smile. And best of all, some closure so that you aren't wondering what happened at the end to Edward in Fascination.
I recommend you read Fascination first so you have an understanding of the nuances. But even if you don't, Evilnatty wrote Edward's Fascination so well rounded, you will enjoy it regardless.
"Bella is most definitely my mate. She is my equal in every way, except for strength, thanks to my newborn abilities. We have a bond that is unmistakable and indescribable. If we are apart, it feels as though I have an excruciating hole burning right through the middle of my chest. I cannot explain it, but it's as though an invisible force connects us...She just hates to look weak and in her mind showing affection and love is a sign of weakness."

Fandom Fanatic Rec for Fascination

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