Monday, February 6, 2012

This year, we will have some new changes and more services happening here at Printing Paws.
We have created a forum! There, you’ll find our Adoption Center where all our Printing Paws’ staff adoptable banners are located.
But there is more! There are helpful and fun topics were both authors and graphic makers can participate; such as the Pic searching topic –you can help or ask for help to find a specific picture; the Constructive Criticism Corner topic –you can ask for advice, help on your banners, backgrounds, etc; and the Games and Challenges topic where you can recommend an artistic/writing challenge to anyone or everyone.
Please, make sure you read carefully our Rules and Registration, and don’t forget to join us at Printing Paws Forum.
This year, we are bringing more contests to Printing Paws! Our first contest, Paws & Art, has inspired 14 stories, and we hope to inspire many more in 2012!
With last year’s success, the Twitter and Facebook Promotions are going to continue along this year as well. So don’t miss any of our Tweets or Facebook posts!
We hope you like our newest feature and keep enjoying of Printing Paws’ services!
Best wishes,
Your PP Admins
~ goldengirl2707 ~ LaPushStarlight ~ don’tcallmeLeeLee ~