Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The Monster Within by Jackson's Cupcake
Published: 08-03-11 One Shot Drama/Angst - Bella & Edward
Summary: The kiss between Bella and Jake before the newborn fight, pushes Edward over the edge. What happens when a tightly wound vampire...snaps. Everything that once was, is no longer. DARKWARD!
This dark little one shot takes place during Eclipse in the infamous tent scene between Edward and Bella. Let me start by saying I am not a Jacob ~ Bella fan. I always found the "triangle" a bit silly and just never bought in to it. In Eclipse, Edward was very forgiving and understanding of Bella kissing Jacob. He basically blamed Jacob for tricking Bella. I remember reading that chapter thinking, "Really Bella??" To me, that scene was the make or break point with Jacob and obviously Jacob continued involving himself in Bella and Edward's life.
The Monster Within is a completely different take on that scene. Lady Tazz's Edward finally breaks after Bella selfishly only thinking of herself once again. The "kiss" was just to much. Bella is Edward's mate, she has agreed to marry him, but yet Bella completely betrays Edward...again. This is just more than Edward can take and he finally snaps. Personally for me, it was a long time coming and I completely enjoyed Lady Tazz's version. I found it much more realistic and it just made better sense to me this darker Edward's reaction to the betrayal. He is a vampire after all. This is a much darker Edward than many are used to.
Here's a little excerpt for you ~
She slowly approaches me and places her right hand over my still heart.
"Edward, I'm so sorry, how much did you see?"
"Enough to understand that you asked him to kiss you," I say scornfully.
"Edward, it's not like that. I love you!" Her voice is strangled from all the crying.
"Then why did you kiss him, Bella?"
The anger that's been building inside me was about to erupt. She better start explaining, and fast.
"Edward it's not like that with him. You know this."
She takes a few steps toward me, and I see the fear in her eyes. She should fear me right now. She is mine and she betrayed me.
I growl. "Do you love him?"
"Yes, but I love you more."
I notice her look away, as if she's unable to look me in the eye. She's lying.
If you love a Darkward. If you love a more realistic version of how betrayal can break a possessive vampire, this is definitely the one shot for you.
And a little added bonus...
How many times do you read a one shot that you completely love and is so good, you know in your heart of hearts it has the potential to continue in to a multi chapter story? Well, here's some great news for the lovers of The Monster Within. The story will continue with The Aftermath. This is such fabulous news. I am so excited for this and wait with baited breath for Lady Tazz to continue.
The Aftermath
Summary: A vampire loses control, a treaty is broken, a coven is torn apart, a newborn is Hell bent on revenge. Not even Alice could have predicted the aftermath. The continuation of The Monster Within O/s. DARK. Bella/Felix
Make sure you favorite Lady Tazz aka Jackson's Cupcake for the alert on The Aftermath or you can check out Lady Tazz's blog for updates and info.
OMG....thank you so much. I'm hoping to start The After the 1st of the year.