Saturday, April 5, 2014
This holiday one-shot contest is all about April. We're celebrating the Crazy Days of April and its many unsung holidays. International Tatting Day. Tweed Day. School Librarian Day. No Housework Day.
So, what do you do?
Decide are you going to write an original one shot or a Twilight fanfic based one shot with any pairing allowed.
Then come pick from our long list and write us a one-shot that includes one (or more!) of these Crazy Days of April. Sure, you could be an April Fool (it's allowed), but with so many creative holidays to choose from, we're hoping to see something different.
Select your Crazy Day of April here
Accepting entries:
April Fool's Day until Pig in a Blanket Day (April 24th)
Saturday, April 26th through Thursday, May 1st
Announced on Saturday, May 3rd
Refer to the FWAR one-shot contest rules for complete rules and regs.
If, after reading the updated rules,you have a question, please message Keye
All FWAR one-shot contests are anonymous!
Follow us on Twitter: @FWAR_Contests
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Contest Admins:
Keye | Sandy AKA "SandytheSandstorm" | SaritaDreaming