Sunday, May 12, 2013

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I have to thank Jennifer Garcia of Italian Brat's Obsessions for this award. I have been following Jennifer's blog for some time now and love her reviews. She reads quite the assortment of genre's, so you will always find something you want to read from her rec's. 

In case you didn't know...Jennifer's first novel, My Mr. Manny, will be published August 2013!!

So, there are rules that go along with the acceptance of one of these and I’m very excited to participate.

Rules of The Versatile Blogger Award, should you choose to accept it. You don’t have to if you don’t want to:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State seven things about yourself.
4. Nominate ten bloggers for this award.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so they get notified by pingback.

So, here we go…

Seven Things About Me:

1. I actually hate talking about myself. Much more comfortable behind the lap top.
2. I am a self professed stalker of authors.
3. I love the Fandom. Regardless of the drama at times, it is the best place to meet so many amazing writers and people with the same like mind obsessions.
4. I am attending the BEA convention in NYC this year. I am so excited about that!! Two friends are coming along with me so the authors should be safe from my fangirling...we hope.
5. I will choose Indie and Self Published authors to do promotion for before "named" authors every time.
6. I am huge blog follower. I follow over 200 blogs regularly.
7. I did a little dance when I received this award!

Nominated Bloggers:

1. Say it With Books - These ladies do some amazing promotions
2. Artwork Unfinished - Graphic artist extraordinaire
3. The LUV'NV - Amazing promotions, reviews, and recs
4. Fic Fare - Love this review site. I even have a "Jaime" shelf on Goodreads
5. Sydney Logan - Amazing writer and promoter of her fellow author
6. Beyond The Squee Book Reviews - New kids on the block but really up and coming
7. Bec's Book Blog - A reviewer who loves what she reads
8. Sarah Aisling - Another amazing writer who also promotes the authors
9. Renaissance Romance - Publisher of romance you love
10. Purelyamuse - Amazing writer and reviewer

Thanks again Jennifer! I am totally stoked!!

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you so much for this award! We are truly honored to be listed up there along with so many other amazing bloggers! :D

  2. Hi there! I absolutely love your blog layout! :D Thanks for nominating our blog. Nuz and I are sending you our virtual hugs now. :)
