Saturday, February 16, 2013

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This is a fabulous idea! Daily original short stories being posted from picture prompts. The lovely Sarah Aisling tipped me off to the site and I am so glad she did. I love the photo promps. I am always in awe of the writers who create stories just by looking at a picture.

Daily Picspiration is currently hosting 13 writers and the stories post daily. 

The site also offers bio's on the individual participating writers including their works, contact, and follow information. You can follow along on twitter where I will be running the sites feed with the following hashtag: #DailyPicspirations. Also watch for the writers themselves using the hashtag for the postings on their own twitter accounts. Or you can go to the site and follow by email so you don't miss these great stories

This is something you definitely want to check out. Come and support these amazing writers!

For more information: Daily Picspiration Website

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you for the plug! It is greatly appreciated by all of us at the blog.

  2. You are welcome. It is a great idea and the stories are so good!
