Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Alright right ladies.
Time to pick ourselves up, dust off the dirt and wipe the mud off from the mudslinging. It’s time to get happy. Put the fun back into Fandom! And that’s exactly how SWA is going to start the year off, on a funny note!
Here’s a little sneak peek of how SWA is going to do that!
Please remember this is all in good fun, you have to sit back and laugh sometime. And all content will be Twilight related only.
Twilight Fun Drama Awards 2012
putting the fun back into fandom, opens Dec 31, 2012
Let the Fun begin, Nominate:
2012 Best Uproar:
Wolf Girl’s cry over BD2 versus Vamp Girl’s cry over the “break up” of Rob & Kristen
*provide link to post(rant/cry) - twitlonger, blogger, word press, facebook , ect.
Say WHAT?!:
What amazing story caused the biggest scandalous reaction in 2012?
*provide link to fic
Oh So Special Categories, Nominate:
Lolabean Presents : The scandal of smutgate 2012!
FF.Net, Rampage of Smut Deletion , What Writer really got Jerked off by FF.Net?
*provide link to authors new home, where all the good stuff is at now
Just for Fun, Voting Time:
Fandoms' Favorite Worst OTP Shipping War:
Bella Edward versus Bella Jacob
Twilight Fun Drama Awards 2012
Opens Dec 31, 2012
Nominate | Voting Poll
Dec 31, 2012 - Jan 20, 2013
Public Voting:
Jan 21 - 31 , 2013
Winners Announced & Award Banners Posted
Feb 1 2013
Don't worry, more categories and voting wars are to come. But your just going to have to wait till it opens to see it all! :-)
Also for any site owner who wants to join in and do a "Oh So Special Category" that is presented by your site, click here to fill out form to be added!
And for those who are wondering why I am doing this, after previous post that was a drama rant? Well to be honest, I got poked but now I'm laughing. Sometimes you need that before you can laugh again.