Friday, December 7, 2012

Imagine my surprise when going through the nominees to vote and coming across myself nominated as Most Prolific Reviewer! I was stunned and just stared at my name for at least 5 minutes. I was even more thrilled to see that there were individual banners for all the nominees. Everyone knows how much I love a graphic!
Thank you to whoever nominated me, you have no idea how big the smile is on my face!
The Fandom Choice Awards is a great idea Tricky Raven came up with. There are nominations for both vamp and wolf lovers, no one and nothing has been left out. The results should be pretty exciting, I am excited to be included.
Voting continues until January 3 and the results will be announced on January 9. Plenty of time to get out there and vote for your favorites and there are so many favorites of mine nominated and I am sure yours as well.

congratulations babe! you are my favorite prolific reviewer for sure ;-)