Sunday, December 2, 2012

Recently a post came out expressing sadness that two recent and current causes, Fandom4Redcross and ChristmasWishesT4T were doing so poorly in donations. This is something I have taken notice to as well, especially since there was a cause recently where over $10,000 was collected.
Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge the recent cause not one dollar that blew the roof off the fandom, I donated to that cause as well, but it did make me sit back and think as to why it did so well. It was a cause set up in honor of a fandom member who has been stricken with a horrific disease. But this isn't the first cause set up for that reason, there have been others with the same reason that came no where near the outpouring that this one did.
There have been causes benefiting pets, wildlife, special Olympics, autism, the homeless, back to school fundraisers, LLS, suicide awareness, just to name a few. None of these causes did anywhere near in the collections that they were hoping for.
So why do some causes go through the roof in the fandom and some barely make a dent? I have no idea, but I do have my theories.
My first theory is the writers. I think a lot has to do with what writers are actually participating. As shallow as that sounds, I truly do believe that. I know I for one always look to see who the writers are and what outtakes are being given to the cause. But sometimes the outtakes aren't even stories I am reading or even heard of, but it doesn't stop me from donating because after all, it is all about the cause isn't it or at least it should be.
My other theory is who is hosting the cause and if they are well known in the fandom or not. Let's face it, the more well known the fandom member, the more of a following they have and the larger audience they have to get the word out.
It is what it is.
But keep in mind the amount of time and effort it takes to run the cause. The various hosts put in a tremendous amount time on set up alone. There is the setting up of the blogs, twitter accounts, twitterfeeds, recruiting help, recruiting writers, keeping track of the writers and stories, acknowledging every donation with a reply email, and putting together the compilations, and then sending them out to every person who donated, including the graphic artists that donated banners.
For those of you who run your own sites and blogs, you know exactly what I am talking about. And for those who don't, trust me, it is exhausting. But it is done for a cause, so there is a certain satisfaction in knowing you are contributing to something worthy. Something that makes you feel good.
For the writers, they are taking additional time from their current stories and real life to participate. They have to come up with an idea for an outtake they think the fandom may want or create something new. All within a specified time frame.
There are huge time consuming efforts all around for all involved. All the causes ask for is acknowledgement of the cause and a donation of typically $5.00. I understand times are tough and you may have to pick and choose what cause you donate to, and if that's the case, at least try to give to a cause that really needs it, a cause you feel strongly about. Maybe one that has touched you personally. It is a difficult judgement call to make because they all need the donations, but there is always a way.
Now if you can't donate, you can promote the cause. You can retweet the posts, and you can even set up a twitterfeed to that for you. You don't have to be an affiliate to use twitterfeed. You only have to care and want to do something to help the cause out. Something to contribute. It doesn't have to be huge, every little bit helps whether it is a donation, promoting, or even assisting a cause when they ask for help.
Now if you can't donate, you can promote the cause. You can retweet the posts, and you can even set up a twitterfeed to that for you. You don't have to be an affiliate to use twitterfeed. You only have to care and want to do something to help the cause out. Something to contribute. It doesn't have to be huge, every little bit helps whether it is a donation, promoting, or even assisting a cause when they ask for help.
And let's not forget the graphic artists who literally stop what they are doing to create the banners. That is a lot effort on their part alone, especially when so many of them are on hiatus. I know of no banner maker who has ever refused to do a graphic for a cause.
If you are blogger or even have your own personal blog, post the causes, run their feeds in support. You don't have to be an affiliate to do that. Some of you may or may not know, but I do the postings for Fandom4Causes. It is a great site that was originally set up by HeatherFF to share and post the fandom causes and links. I also post the causes on my own site and run the feeds. That I do on my own whether I am contacted or not. If I see a cause, I post it.
There are many ways to contribute and promote. This is the fandom after all and that's one of the reasons I love it so much, the promotion of writers, artists, contests, and causes. I know of no other place this happens where so many people band together for one reason or another.
I don't have the answers, just my own personal theories and opinions. But I can definitely understand the disappointment and sadness that post expressed as well as the confusion and questions.
Fandom4RedCross was started by Alexandria R as a relief effort for Hurricane Sandy. Now I know there isn't much on the news anymore but as a New Yorker that was directly affected, the suffering is still going on. Hurricane Sandy was 100 times more devastating than Hurricane Katrina in the area it covered. I don't think people realize that. I also don't think people realize the devastation that occurred. There are 1000's of people in my area alone still homeless, who have lost everything, who still do not have power, heat, hot water, or even drinkable water. It is a daily struggle. My neighborhood will never be the same. I will never be the same. The devastation was massive. It is still difficult to comprehend what we witnessed that night. To even try to explain what we witnessed is impossible. But here are some pics of my neighborhood alone...
And I am only one neighborhood that make up the 1000's that were devastated. I was lucky in that I didn't lose my home so I don't complain. But so many need our help. Please try to give. Anything is better than nothing and the help is so appreciated.
ChristmasWishesT4T is a yearly cause that takes place in the fandom. The Toys for Tots program has been around for years and does such wonderful work. These people are tireless in their efforts.
Their mission is well known and is simply this...
The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
And their simple goal...
The primary goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.
I don't have the answers, just my own personal theories and opinions. But I can definitely understand the disappointment and sadness that post expressed as well as the confusion and questions.
Fandom4RedCross was started by Alexandria R as a relief effort for Hurricane Sandy. Now I know there isn't much on the news anymore but as a New Yorker that was directly affected, the suffering is still going on. Hurricane Sandy was 100 times more devastating than Hurricane Katrina in the area it covered. I don't think people realize that. I also don't think people realize the devastation that occurred. There are 1000's of people in my area alone still homeless, who have lost everything, who still do not have power, heat, hot water, or even drinkable water. It is a daily struggle. My neighborhood will never be the same. I will never be the same. The devastation was massive. It is still difficult to comprehend what we witnessed that night. To even try to explain what we witnessed is impossible. But here are some pics of my neighborhood alone...

And I am only one neighborhood that make up the 1000's that were devastated. I was lucky in that I didn't lose my home so I don't complain. But so many need our help. Please try to give. Anything is better than nothing and the help is so appreciated.
ChristmasWishesT4T is a yearly cause that takes place in the fandom. The Toys for Tots program has been around for years and does such wonderful work. These people are tireless in their efforts.
Their mission is well known and is simply this...
The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
And their simple goal...
The primary goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.
How can anyone possibly ignore a child at Christmas time?
And to quote a fellow blogger and someone who goes out of their way to support all the causes in the fandom...
Yes, I know...times are tight and you're making sure your own families have Christmas. I understand that, really I do. But think about it...$5 could you skip that Starbucks latte today? Skip that take-out meal tonight and instead make your family sandwiches at home? When it all boils down to it, $5 is nothing compared to the amazing people that will be helped out by these causes.
Think about it. There is always something you can contribute or do to ease the suffering of those less fortunate.
And to quote a fellow blogger and someone who goes out of their way to support all the causes in the fandom...
Yes, I know...times are tight and you're making sure your own families have Christmas. I understand that, really I do. But think about it...$5 could you skip that Starbucks latte today? Skip that take-out meal tonight and instead make your family sandwiches at home? When it all boils down to it, $5 is nothing compared to the amazing people that will be helped out by these causes.
Think about it. There is always something you can contribute or do to ease the suffering of those less fortunate.
Beautiful Credoroza, thank you for bringing this to light. I am very happy to help spread this word and share your post on my own site in the Highlight section. It's something everyone should read.