Thursday, June 28, 2012

The First Time Contest - A Twilight Anonymous Challenge
First kiss, First touch, First glance, First smile.
The first time you heard their voice!
These are things that are ingrained into our very souls as we collect them on our journeys to true love. They say you never forget your first time, be it sexual or not so we want to hear yours.
This is the theme of our contest, using your favorite Twi-Slash/Fem-Slash pairing, share with us their first times. The intimacy of that first touch is sometimes stronger than the act itself.
Just remember lemons are not compulsory, but do add a nice flavour or texture to any story in which they're included.
This is a slash contest, so we will only accept slash/femslash stories
Important Dates:
Submissions: 3rd August
Closing Date: 24th August 2012
Winners Announced: 7th September 2012
Rules and Info - Contest Site
Follow on Twitter - @FirstTimeAwards