Friday, June 22, 2012

She has a painful past and he has a lonely present. Can they forge a brighter future together? Embry/Bella
The Beginning of Our Bright Future is quite the departure for me. This is my first Embry/Bella fic and I am very pleased to say, I really liked this little story. The story was only three chapters so I figured I would give a whirl, and I am so glad I did. SparklingFae has the ability to weave believable story line that even a die hard Edward lover like me can enjoy and go along with. The mark of a true story teller. After all, a good story is a good story.
The story takes place after New Moon with Bella and Jake as friends, hanging out in the garage fixing motorcycles. Embry is already part of the pack, but Jake has yet to phase and is still confused over "Paul's lackeys" as he refers to the pack.
Embry, upset over Jake's cutting remarks, after all they were best friends. But knowing he must keep his silence as Jake's turn will come one day, it still hurts. Embry notices Bella, never really paying much attention to her any other time, but today his entire world shifted...
My eyes slowly met hers and I felt like the whole earth had shifted. Everything that used to matter to me vanished and in its place was just one person, Bella Swan. I had just imprinted on Isabella Swan.
Embry is completely overwhelmed by this, not sure what to do, let alone how to handle, and in need of guidance. He knows this will be a problem. He knows how hurt Jake will be. He knows Bella may refuse him. But he can not help himself. His wolf is crying out to her and he must follow.
The story is packed full of overwhelming emotions neatly woven in to a simplistic story line of love and acceptance. You will be cheering for Embry and Bella. I know I was! And if you are hesitant about OCC pairings, this is a nice way to ease yourself in. No Edward bashing. Just a fun little story that puts a smile on your face.
The Beginning of Our Bright Future is a story you will want to check out. After all, who doesn't love a story that makes you smile? You won't be disappointed.
Fun fact: SparklingFae is known as @Qwoli_Wahine on twitter. Naturally, my nosy side kicked in and I was curious about her user name. And this is what the lovely SparklingFae told me, it is a mix of Quileute and Hawaiian. Qwoli means in essence, spirit wolf and Wahine means woman. How cool is that??
Where you can find SparklingFae's stories:

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