Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It’s been a while since we've had a contest here on TATS, so go put your thinking caps on, and come up with something sensational, involving our favorite ship, Jacob and Bella.

The musical prompt for this contest is the song, Crawling Back to You by Daugherty.

If you’re not familiar with it, you can listen right here.

So, what is a drabble shot? It's something willow2883 and light4dawn made up. We worked out the details of this contest together, but I'm administering it on my own because she wants to compete. A drabble shot is longer than a drabble, but shorter than your average one shot. Simple enough, wouldn't you say?

You can choose to make your entry AH, AU, OOC, Canon, Canon deviation, any interpretation is fine. The only stipulation is that the two main characters must be Jacob and Bella.

NEWS: JUST IN! We have a prize! The first place winner will receive a story banner created by the ever talented, and one of the head honchos of Printing Paws, dontcallmeLeeLee!

This is not a banner that says you've won (those I'll be making); it's a banner for your story--to use when you post after the contest.

Out of respect for the artist we ask that the winning story not be posted elsewhere until the banner is complete. LeeLee is fast if she gets the particulars and some artistic license!

But that's not all. We also have a fabulous guest judge! A well known, award winning Jacob/Bella author will also select a Judge's Choice entry!

If you haven't worked on your contest entry yet, get going!

You only have until May 11th, but don't fret, it's just a measly 1000 words or less.

Follow us on Twitter:  @drabbleshot

For More Info: Contest Site

Voting will begin on May 12th so come back to thair-thesun when the voting too goes up!

Good luck everyone! Don't forget to tell your friends to enter and/or vote! We'd love it if you'd pimp this contest, but please bear in mind that if you are a contestant you must refrain from letting others know you have entered (it is unclear how many entries there will be). 

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