Monday, March 26, 2012

The Truly Anonymous Twilight One-shot Picture & Prompt Contest has concluded and there were some great wolf stories that placed!
There were 96 entries in total, of which 12 had a wolf in the main pairing! This means that one eighth of all entries were wolf stories. Were one eighth of voters wolf readers? Our writers need your support. Come out, read, and if you like their stories, by all means VOTE!! Diversity creates a richer, more open-minded fandom and we can't have that if all corners of this fandom doesn't come and get involved in all pairing contests and awards.
That includes judges, writers, AND readers.
Every person is integral for it to work!
Every person is integral for it to work!
* Best Pack Fic Winners *
The Water's Call by Mmsimpy09
Best Pack Fic: AH
Best Pack Fic: AH
The Dark Man and the Pale Man by light4dawn
Best Pack Fic: AU
Best Pack Fic: AU
* Honorable Mentions *
Fearless by Jezebel95
Happily, Tragically, Bittersweet Ever After by light4dawn -http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7949021/1/Happily_Tragically_Bittersweet_Ever_After
Loads of Time by willow2883
* Other Wolf Fics In The Contest *
Cleanse my Soul by mrstrentreznor
Finding Our Way Back by CarlieCullenBlack
Jake's Piece by mrstrentreznor
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7934301/1/Jakes_Piece (listed as E/B but... you'll have to read it to find out)
Mending Broken Hearts by astridt244
Sacred Grove by pattyofurniture
Temporal Winds by Sothe Sage
The Worth of a Soul by LadyofSpain
Congratulations to all the participants!
You can check out the rest of the stories
Truly Anonymous Twilight One Shot & Picture Prompt Contest