Monday, March 19, 2012
Till The World Ends Contest
According to the Mayan calender, the world is ending in 2012.
But how does your world end?
We want to see you get creative in this brand new, one shot contest!
Was there a zombie apocalypse? Tidal wave? Exploding fireballs?
Does everyone die out or are there a few survivors to start over?
Is there an alien invasion?
All out war? Genetic mutations?
Environmental disaster?
We want to be thrilled, excited and scared to death for the end of the world. Nothing is too crazy or too creative, show us what you've got!

Accepting Entries:
March 19th through April 16th
March 19th through April 16th
Public Voting:
April 17th through April 20th
April 17th through April 20th
Winners Will Be Announced the Following Week Through our Twitter @TillTheWrldEnds
Questions? Email us at tilltheworldendscontest@gmail.com
For Info and Rules - FF Profile
Twitter - @TillTheWrldEnds