Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Summary: DRABBLE: Bella is old and crazy. Edward is old and horny. How do events turn out when you mix in stray cats and Jacob the Second? Its all downhill from here. Edward would know, because his arthritis is actin up again...
Yeah well obviously there are writers out there making me a big fat liar. This is now two weeks in a row I am falling all over myself for a drabble. I don't even like drabbles. Maybe it's the writers themselves?
Past Her Prime is a drabble I am hooked on. Bella is old and crazy. Edward is old and horny. I am cracking up with every update! Literally tears in my eyes I am laughing so hard!
So I close the blinds and scuttle back to my recliner.And only one thought crosses my mind:I need to stalk your old, fine ass from the other window.
Who writes like that!?! XquisiteProdigy that's who. From the start of the story I was gasping for breath at the hilarity of her dialog...
I expect her voice to be as sweet as a Georgia peach.To reflect the nectar that she is.Instead, her bushy brows scrunch into a frown.I give my best smile. And when she talks, I know my diaper is about to get full."Who the cockamamie are you?"
Come on!! This story is killing me.
The story is basically the usual Edward/Bella attraction with Edward trying to lure Bella in, there just a tad bit older than we are used to and it makes for some hysterical dialog
Great spin on the usual canon. Nice pace for a drabble. Can't wait to see the outcome of this ditty.
Want a story that will have you in stitches? Then definitely check out Past Her Prime.
OK OK, one more...
I'm blinded by her grin, and her teeth's are just as straight and as pretty as can be. I bet my whole half dollar collection she uses Polident. Just like me. @XquisiteProdigy