Saturday, March 3, 2012

We all know lulabelle98 and ToTheDreaming as the fabulous writers of The Long Walk Home, A Healing Touch, Beautiful Sorrow, and Where The Streets Have No Name.
But did you know they were behind Underficionated?
I remember when the site quietly made their entrance in to the fandom. I thought it was a great idea promoting the lesser known writers and stories. And since then, they have developed quite the following with continuous story rec's as well as reaching out to us to send in rec's that we love.
They are also two of the nicest people in the fandom. Always helping others with beta'ing and pre-reading. Always a thank you to whoever rec's or tweets their stories.
So let's see who they are...
But did you know they were behind Underficionated?
I remember when the site quietly made their entrance in to the fandom. I thought it was a great idea promoting the lesser known writers and stories. And since then, they have developed quite the following with continuous story rec's as well as reaching out to us to send in rec's that we love.
They are also two of the nicest people in the fandom. Always helping others with beta'ing and pre-reading. Always a thank you to whoever rec's or tweets their stories.
So let's see who they are...
Tell us about your site
Underfictionated aims to promote fics; any fic by any author. Readers recommend their favourite fic, and we post it on our site and tweet out the fic's updates.
Why did you decide to create the site?
Both myself and DreamOfTheEndless do what we can to help authors that need or want it. We thought that one more fic rec site wouldn't hurt, so Underfictionated was born.
What do you want your site to accomplish?
We hope that our site gets people reading more, and maybe they'll want to leave a review for the author too.
How do you decide which fics or authors to rec?
Very easily :) Readers, or authors, email in their fic rec to us, or they fill out the rec form on the blog, and we add it to our site.
Do you have any plans for the future of your site that you would like to share?
No immediate plans at the moment. We just want to help as much as we can.
Favorite thing about the twific fandom?
Meeting genuinely lovely people who are able to make you smile.
How did you find each other?
I beta for DreamOfTheEndless. We met back in March 2011, and have probably spoken nearly every day ever since! She also pre-read for my fics.
What do you think is the most important component to a rec site in the twific fandom?
Probably that the site offers a range of fics, not just the most popular ones
How did you decide on the site design?
We wanted to keep it simple and let the fic rec's speak for themselves. We contacted a banner maker that we had both used before, Mehek18, who created the blog's banner. We suggested that perhaps we could use images of Robert Pattinson from How To Be to Cosmopolis to show a change from "unknown" to "known"... or something along those lines :)
What is the key to a successful blog?
I don't know the answer to that!
How do you grow your readership?
We try to get the word out about us via twitter through our affiliates. We're grateful to every one of them!
Who are you founding members and current staff?
There's just the two of us; lulabelle98 and DreamOfTheEndless (ToTheDreaming on twitter).
Thank you both for entertaining my nosiness! I love knowing who is behind the sites I stalk and affiliate with!