Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tell us about your site -
TweetAFic holds all the rec's that are sent to us! I take the fics that people submit on a form and tweet them once a week. We tweet a different rec every 15 minutes. The reason I needed the site was because, well, people can't just hang around Twitter all day checking out the rec's from TweetAFic. The blog holds them all so people can just go to the site if they miss a rec!
Why did you decide to create the site?
I was part of the admin that was TwiFicPromotions. We reviewed fics. That became a full time job and a lot of our staff had real lives and just couldn't dedicate the time needed to continue our site. I couldn't do it alone, but wasn't ready to give up rec'ing fics. Then I thought that I would like to give every fic a chance, because every fic rec site out there has some sort of qualifications that the authors have to meet. I figured there is no way that we all like the same things. Soooo....TweetAFic was born! Everyone qualifies and I rec them to the masses via Twitter!
What do you want your blog to accomplish?
I want every author to get some sort of pimping. Whether they have 10 or 10,000 reviews. Every author deserves to have their fic pimped a little!
How do you decide which fics or authors to rec?
I rec everyone! An author can submit their own fic for pimping, or someone can submit their favorites.
Do you have any plans for the future of your site that you would like to share?
We just moved to a new site, thanks to Ysar! So we are all set up and will continue to take new recs!
Favorite thing about the twific fandom?
My favorite thing about the TwiFic fandom is the amazing authors that I have come across! It gives people an outlet to share their ideas and passions and the rest of us benefit from it! Who knew there were so many people that could write!
How did you find each other?
Its just me! LoL!
What do you think is the most important component to a rec site in the twific fandom?
I think the most important thing on a rec site is a short review. Sometimes the summary of a fic just doesn't drag the reader in, but if there is a little blurb telling an honest opinion of the fic, it can help tons, in my opinion.
How did you decide on the site design?
I didn't. LOL! I am so not creative. Ysar did it all! She is so amazing at this stuff! She also designed my personal rec site, FicObsessed. I am so in love with both of them that sometimes I just stare at the pages. LOL!
What is the key to a successful blog?
The key to a successful blog is getting yourself out there! It also helps to have something for everyone!
How do you grow your readership?
I think my readership comes from word of mouth. I am sooo humbled by the people that mention and Follow Friday TweetAFic on Twitter. When I came up with the idea, I had no idea that it would turn out to be so successful. I am still shocked!
Who are you founding members and current staff?
Me and Me. LoL! I do this alone.
~ Where You Can Find Tweet A Fic ~http://tweetafic.com/ @TweetAFic

Thanks so much Kelly for taking time out of your extremely busy life to help out a fellow affiliate!

~ Where You Can Find Tweet A Fic ~