Monday, January 9, 2012

It began with an unfortunate meeting, a forced abduction and six seeds from a pomegranate. What followed was a forced marriage, the growth of an innocent maiden into a powerful goddess and a passion which would eclipse even death itself. This is the story of Hades and Persephone, whom the Fates and the gods played games with, but who ultimately won the greatest prize either could have hoped for; freedom and love.
I've jumped the line in my reading list, something I normally don't do but I am so excited to start this story! The love story of Hades and Persephone is one of the greatest all time love stories.
I know the author from her fanfic stories, The Girl and now her current, The Vampire. And though fanfic, they are both very original story lines, both so brilliantly and beautifully written with an aura of mysticism. So you can see my excitement for Light in the Dark, not a published fanfic but a true love story!