Monday, January 23, 2012
Well, not me, but Mal. A little earlier today Mal asked me to do a posting for her and Leo. And of course I was more than willing, after all, this is Mal and Leo. I have no idea what happened but the gorgeous pictures of Leo were not showing up. I use Chrome, I never have any issues. I was baffled. So I went on Mozilla and re-posted.
All appears fine now but I am absolutely horrified that it even happened.
So I am re-posting from my site in the hopes that everyone can now see these amazing pictures and to express my apologies to Mal and Leo as well as their followers.
Nothing like helping someone out and then not...
While he was training.
All appears fine now but I am absolutely horrified that it even happened.
So I am re-posting from my site in the hopes that everyone can now see these amazing pictures and to express my apologies to Mal and Leo as well as their followers.
Nothing like helping someone out and then not...
So without further ado, the original posting from Mal and Leo..
While he was training.
He's a snuggle bug.
These are pictures from our epic night of snuggling on the couch.
I have videos of training session - another post in future (baby pics, too!)
It was wonderful!
I'll write more soon. Been too tired and depressed since home to be up to much.
Started a new school quarter, too.
Didn't want to keep peeps waiting any longer.
I'll write more soon. Been too tired and depressed since home to be up to much.
Started a new school quarter, too.
Didn't want to keep peeps waiting any longer.
He won't be ready for team training/placement until May/June.
So here's some pics of me, Leo, and Timmy the cat trying to get in on the snuggles!