Friday, December 30, 2011

Despite the common adage, people always judge books by their covers. A book with interesting symmetry and appealing colors is far more likely to be picked up than a monstrosity of boring text and horribly composed pictures.
In the TwiFic community, we have many creative individuals who spend a great deal of time designing artistry that makes our fandom look fantastic. Designers can convey the mood and tone of a story in a single graphic by making banners or blinkies. Web developers generate hours of entertainment by giving us a place to congregate, gather news, and discuss fanfiction. All the while, these craftsmen make it look pretty and effortless.
The TwiFic Graphic Awards is here to honor those artists that truly excel at their craft.
To cast your vote in the public round of voting, click here or go to voting.
Thank you for your participation and please remember to Appreciate an Artist!
Banner Nominations – Visual Categories
Banner Nominations – Genre Categories
Banner Nominations – Technical Categories
Banner Nominations – Animation Categories
Banner Nominations – Overall Categories
Blinkie Nominations
Website Nominations