Monday, November 21, 2011

Welcome to Week #2 of Team MVF's 2011 holiday food drive!
This winner of LOST IN TIME by Melissa de la Cruz is...
This week, we will be upping the goodies by putting TWO books into the drawing. Anyone who donates at least $10 either by using our PayPal button on the sidebar, or donating canned goods to your local food bank will be entered into a drawing for books by...
Jennifer DeLucy
Jennifer is the author of The Light Series, and she's constantly on the top of all kinds of lists on GoodReads AND, her first book, Seers of Light might even have some silver screen interests! According to her blog, nothing is concrete yet but there are some feelers out. How cool is that? Jen has roots in the Twilight fandom, and we love to support and promote our fellow fandom friends whenever we can. You'll definitely want in on this drawing!
Ilsa J. Bick
Ilsa is the author of the hot new YA dystopian thriller, Ashes. We've gushed over her, had the chance to interview her, and pretty much love her. We know you will too! She also has several other books out, and has some serious cred. Make sure to get your donation in because you'll want her books on display on your bookshelves!
All donations received by 11:59pm (central) on Saturday, November 26 will be automatically placed into this drawing!