Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fatherhood, Formula, and Other F Words
 Romance/Humor - Edward & Bella A/H WIP

Summary: When man-whore, foul-mouthed Edward's life takes an unexpected turn, he's left with a baby to raise. With the help of a friendly neighbor, he learns sometimes the unexpected could be the best thing that's ever happened.

This review is just meant to be. I had just asked the writer last night, anhanninen if she had a banner for her story. At that moment, she didn't but had a request in for one and would let me know. Two hours later, I get a tweet, there is a banner. How funny was that? This review is just meant to be. And the graphic artist who appeared on the horizon with a banner, @AnIllicitWriter  A phenomenal artist, the designer of my blog, and someone I call friend. Again, this review was meant to be.

I started reading Fatherhood, Formula, and Other F Words at first posting. This is very unusual for me. I normally will not start a new story, let alone review one until it is about 5 chapters. I always felt 5 chapters was a good barometer to go by. But there was just something about the opening line, "If you asked me what my favorite thing in the world was, I'd tell you it was under me." It completely drew me in.  Naturally, stalking commenced. The writer is a bona-a-fide Carlisle lover and this is her first Edward story. Second chapter posted a few days later and I thought, let me see if there momentum. And there was. This Edward, affectionately known as Whore-ward, is a self centered, determined, and selfish surgeon. He is career driven and has no time for commitments. Though, he will make time for the proverbial warm body lying underneath him.

Only 4 chapters in, and I am loving it. This is a fun read. We have our douchey Edward, an awkward Bella, haven't heard much from her, but I am sure we will, and low and behold, a baby. Quite a mix for a very humorous story.

I really believe anhanninen has something here. Fatherhood, Formula, and Other F Words is destined to be a fandom favorite. Who doesn't love humor and potential romance? And of course, Whore-ward. But we may be suprised by him. The baby in question Sofia, well, Whore-ward refers to her as "little one" and my heart melts everytime. Is he redeemable? Can he change? Think about someone else first? I don't know, but I will be along for the ride to find out.

Fatherhood, Formula, and Other F Words is a brand new story. Only 4 chapters in. But definitely worth the look. You will be very entertained.

"If you asked me what my favorite thing in the world was, I'd tell you it was under me. She was hot, good in bed, and didn't seem like the commitment type. Good for me and good for her. I wasn't going to get attached. I had my whole damn life ahead of me. Residency was over — thank the fucking Lord — and I was about to begin my career as a surgeon. Like I said, I had my whole life ahead of me. And from this angle, it looked pretty fucking bright."

Where to find anhanninen:
anhanninen - FF Profile
Twitter: @anhanninen

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