Monday, October 3, 2011
The Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons are upon us, and while it’s a joyful time of year for many of us, it’s a source of sadness for others. There are so many families who struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis and the holiday season only provides grief and frustration. These families often turn to local food banks in order to put a decent meal on their table. Unfortunately, food banks are suffering as well, and their supplies dwindle to a daunting low during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
MyVampFiction is once again encouraging everyone to pull together and help the less fortunate by donating to our PayPal, or by donating canned and non-perishable food items to your local food bank this season by participating in the Team MVF Holiday Food Drive.
We are asking authors if they would be willing to donate one or more signed copies of their books for Team MVF to use as giveaways during the food drive. We would like to be able to give an autographed book away each week and we will post a continual list of Authors who are supporting the Food Drive!
If you wish to donate a signed book, please fill out the following form below. We will get in touch with you with shipping information. Our email address is myvampfiction2011@gmail.com (you may want to clear your spam filters to make sure you get our email) Any additional questions can be directed to this email address.
Author Participation - Form