Saturday, September 3, 2011

Have you, or anyone you’ve known, ever been affected by cancer? Whether it was you fighting the battle, or a friend or family member, cancer is never an easy thing to deal with. We, the Mods of this event, have a personal connection to someone with cancer and would like your help giving back!

Through the miracles of modern medicine, many types of cancer are now treatable and, in some cases, even considered “curable.” But we have a LONG way to go!

All of the proceeds from this event will go to the American Cancer Society, where research is being done every day to hopefully one day find a cure to the many forms of cancer.

With your help, we can find a cure!

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “Great! How do I help?” What we need is authors who are willing to write and readers who want to read! 

Author submissions are being accepted now until November 19, 2011.

For more information on how to submit your story please see Author Submission and then fill out the form under Author Sign Up.

All submissions will be listed under Donated Stories as they are submitted. We’re accepting fiction from all fandoms so no matter what you write, we’d love to have it!

Once all stories are submitted, we’ll put them together in a single PDF(Compilation) and send them to any readers who have donated at least $5 to the cause.

To find out more on how to donate and where to send your receipt see Donations. Comps will be sent out from December 2nd – January 20th (Last day to submit a receipt will be January 20th at 12am pst).

Not from the US and want to help YOUR country’s cancer society? No worries! We have several international societies listed as well.

If you know of any that we missed, let us know! We’re more than happy to add them!

We’ve also included a Dedication page that will include dedications to those who are fighting or have fought the battle against cancer. 

We’d love for you to add the stories of those who you know. (Names will not be included to protect privacy).

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at or on Twitter at @Fandom4Cancer 

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