Saturday, August 13, 2011
We will have two rounds for nominations - One-shots, Short Stories and Full Length Fics: WIP and Completed. Each group will have its own initial round of voting, followed by one for all the finalists. Check out the descriptions below to see where your favorite underappreciated fic fits.
There are plenty of categories, so check them out and start compiling your list of nominees. The nomination forms and links will be available in early August. Be sure to read the rules before you nominate to make sure your favorites meet the necessary criteria.
We’re looking forward to finding some undiscovered gems.
You can follow us on Twitter at @EmergingSwanAwd or if you have any questions, comments or would like to volunteer to be part of our validation team**, e-mail us at EmergingSwan@gmail.com.
**Please note, validation team member's stories are eligible for nomination. Don't let that stop you from joining our validation team!
Story Types
- One-Shot - Completed (Under 50 reviews)
- Short Story - A completed story between 2 and 10 chapters long (Under 200 reviews or has an average of 30 reviews or less per chapter.)
- Full Length Fics
- WIP - Must have at least 6 chapters to be nom’d. (Under 500 reviews or has an average of 30 reviews or less per chapter)
- Completed - Must be over 10 chapters to be nom’d. (Under 500 reviews or has an average of 30 reviews or less per chapter)
- Newbie Author Award - for excellence in writing - has only been writing fanfic for the last 12 months and has an average of 50 reviews or less per chapter/one-shot written.
- Oldie But a Goodie Author Award - for excellence in writing - has posted stories for longer than 12 months, yet has an average of 50 reviews or less per chapter/one-shot written.
Character and Pairing Categories
- Best Edward/Bella
- Best Jake/Bella
- Best Cullen Lovin’ (canon and non.(voting split) Excluding E/B)
- Best Vamp Volturi/Nomad/Non-Cullen (any pairing)
- Best Running with the Wolves (Canon & Non, (voting split) excluding Bella/Jake)
- Best Slash/Femslash/Threesome/etc. (any pairing)
- Best Stephenie Meyer Human: aka - Mike/Jessica, Charlie/Sue, etc. (any pairing)
- Best Original Character (no SM characters allowed)
Genre Awards
- Best Romance (any pairing)
- Best Drama/Angst/Hurt/Comfort (any pairing)
- Best Supernatural/Fantasy/Horror/Spiritual/Sci/Fi (any pairing)
- Best Humor (any pairing)
- Best Crossover (any pairing)
- Best Adventure/Mystery/Crime/Western/Historical (any pairing)
- Best Family/Friendship (any pairing)