Saturday, January 30, 2016
Book Title: Cake
Author: Jove Belle
Genre: Erotic Lesbian Romance (novella)
Release Date: February 20, 2016
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
Jove Belle lives in Vancouver, Washington with her family. Her books include The Job, Uncommon Romance, Love and Devotion, Indelible, Chaps, Split the Aces, and Edge of Darkness.
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1. ARCs are deliverable straight to your Kindle only. That requires a couple of things, like you have to list me as an approved sender and give me your kindle email, but I have directions for all that. Fancy. If you don’t have a Kindle, do not despair. Go ahead and sign up and we’ll see if I can make other arrangements.
2. After reading it, you gotta head over to Amazon and Goodreads and leave a review. If you want to share the review love with B&N and the Ylva website, and your own personal blog, feel free. I won’t be stopping you.
3. You must promise to leave an honest review. This whole ARC thing is very, very common practice, but I have some significant ethical hangups around ARCs. It only works for me if you cross your heart and hope to die that you won’t say you love it if you hate it. And vice-versa.
4. I have a limited number of ARCs. As much as I’d love to give them out to everyone (because what’s cooler than free books!), I can’t. Astrid Ohletz, the publisher over at Ylva, might be forced to sacrifice me to an angry pagan goddess if I gave them away to everyone. #sadface
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