Wednesday, September 30, 2015

About the Author:
Nicola R. White is no stranger to the fantastic. Although there are no Furies in her family tree (that she knows of), she comes from a small city on the east coast of Canada where ghost stories and superstitions abound. She has worked on movie sets, as a bartender, in a lighthouse, and as a lawyer, and though she’s never been an exotic dancer like her character, Alex Hughes, she does know how to pole dance.
She has always been fascinated by the strange and morbid, and often stays up too late reading books that give her nightmares. She believes truth is stranger than fiction, and just a few of her heroes are Buffy, Dana Scully, and Xena.
Nicola is a member of Romance Writers of America and Romance Writers of Atlantic Canada, and is an active member and supporter of the award-winning Romance Divas website and online forum.
Author Message
Hey amazing friends and readers, I have some crazy exciting news. I have a chance to win a $10,000 publishing contract with SilverHart publishing - but I need your help to do it! Please check out this excerpt of my noir romantic suspense novel, Man's Ruin, and leave a rating. Your feedback will help me move on to the next round of judging!