Friday, June 5, 2015

Release Date: June 5, 2015
I stared up at the man on the stage.
Lights blinded my eyes. They flashed down from the stage. One beam landed on me.
Were people taking pictures of me? It seemed like flashbulbs were exploding. I could feel George’s presence nearby, but I couldn’t feel much else.
My ears buzzed with a loud quiet, the kind of quiet that screams over everything else and blocks out all of the surrounding noise.
My mouth was dry, like the time in the fourth grade my friend dared me to eat three packages of crackers in sixty seconds.
Drier than that, even.
My eyes left Parker’s long enough to edge over to the screen displayed to the entire crowd at Raleigh’s Walnut Creek Amphitheater.
It was me. I was on the screen.
Surely I hadn’t heard him right. Had I?
Why the hell was I on the screen if I hadn’t heard him right?
My eyes moved back to Parker’s. They were pleading.
He still looked nervous. He looked terrified, actually. There was an amphitheater of at least fifteen thousand people waiting for my answer.
About the Author:
Lisa Suzanne started handwriting her books on yellow legal pads after she took a creative writing class in high school. She still has those legal pads full of stories, but now one of them is published under the title How He Really Feels. She currently works as a full time high school English teacher, and her favorite part of the year is summer.
She has been blessed with the world’s best dog, a supportive family, and a husband who encouraged her to publish after reading one of her novels.
She likes the advice of Ernest Hemingway’s famous quote, “Write drunk. Edit sober.”