Saturday, February 28, 2015

Release Date: April 7, 2015
He took my hand in his and allowed me to lead him to my bedroom. If he had half a mind to try to make a move on me again, he swallowed it down. We stripped to our underwear, him waiting for me to climb in under the comforter so that he could take the other side. In the darkness, I felt the mattress sink down with his unfamiliar weight.
He was close enough to touch, yet far enough away that I supposed it was possible to forget he was there.
He was close enough to touch, yet far enough away that I supposed it was possible to forget he was there.
Possible, but not bloody likely.
I laid on my back, the comforter brushing against my bare breasts, mimicking how his hands felt upon my nipples. I closed my eyes, hoping to quiet the memories. Despite how tired I was, I’d never get to sleep like this.
“Gracie?” he whispered after a few minutes. “Are you still awake?”
“May I hold you?”
Even though he couldn’t see my expression, I grinned at how silly his request sounded.
“Considering what we’ve done before, I think you’re past the point of having to ask permission to touch me.”
It was true. We’d slept together once - actually slept - back at his place. Granted, we’d both been relatively comatose given the amount of drinks we’d had. We hadn’t minded then if a random arm or leg invaded each other’s personal space.
But as he reached for me tentatively, I realized this was different. I submitted myself to him, letting him mold me the way he wanted to. He rolled me over so I laid on my side, him behind me. His arms held me tightly, but it wasn’t binding or restrictive. His face curved towards me, his lips pressed softly in the space where my neck met my shoulder blades, though he wasn’t kissing me. I could feel his every breath, his every heartbeat.
I could also feel my own pulse pounding very noticeably between my legs.
But I laid there, drinking it all in and wanting nothing more. In that very moment, I realized that I had never felt more safe in my life. The intimacy was astounding, a hundred times more powerful than that of the sex we’d had earlier. I knew then that he would do anything to protect me.
Even if it meant torturing the both of us.
About the Author:
Alicia Renee Kline has been writing for as long as she can remember. Her work has evolved from scrawling story ideas in spiral notebooks in loopy, middle school handwriting (complete with scribbles) to more professional looking fare via her laptop.
She is eternally grateful for the "delete" key, so that no one can tell that she doesn't get everything right the first time.
She is eternally grateful for the "delete" key, so that no one can tell that she doesn't get everything right the first time.
She resides in Northeastern Indiana with her husband, two daughters and two hamsters.
When she isn't being an author, she works full time in the insurance industry.
When she isn't being an author, she works full time in the insurance industry.