Stranded in the Savannah, Georgia Airport after a family wedding, Dr. Samuel Johnson his wife and his parents confront their family emotional baggage even as their high-end Louis Vuitton luggage makes its way to the families final destination. During his eight-hour layover in Savannah, Samuel—a Gynecologist—discovers the painful secrets that mar his father’s past, suffers through the erratic behavior of his mother, and even his lovely even-keeled wife has required an inexplicable hard edge.
He is also forced to confront the fact that he has grown weary of his all-consuming medical practice and longs for another life.As tensions rise, more and more secrets are revealed as the airport becomes the family’s battleground. Can Samuel find a way to make things right?
Tick, tick, tick…there it was again. Money is time, time is money. Samuel—toting his laptop—hustled through the airport, picking up the pace, breaking into a brisk walk. They were going to miss the plane. He hurdled a toddler who had—much to the chagrin of his flustered mother—flopped to the floor in a wicked tantrum. She refused to make eye-contact with adults as her little angel performed her little dirty deeds. Samuel swerved around an amorous couple who couldn't stop making out long enough to realize they were blocking his path to security. He felt like O.J. Simpson in the Hertz Car Rental commercials—the old ones where he ran through the airport jumping over luggage and chairs to catch a plane. He got a chuckle out of that image. O.J. wasn't doing much running now, he thought. Zinger!
He loved it.
As Samuel approached the airport security area, he felt his stomach tighten. Despite the fact that the Savannah International Airport was a small “quaint” facility with a fairly small airfield, the line snaked back and forth, thirty people deep. Samuel’s wife Tabitha and his mother Maxine were waiting for him at the end of the line—carryons in hand—while his father Sam, Sr. went ahead for additional scrutiny for his bum knees.
Hopefully, this time, they’d go easy on the old guy, just accept his letter from the doc indicating that he was packing titanium knee joints and not an Uzi. Samuel stepped into line with his mother and wife and wrinkled up his face. The stench of old baggage, dirty socks, and a few stale diapers filled his nose and turned his stomach. He looked around him and confirmed his guess—a half a dozen mothers biding their time, waiting to get through security to change their children’s dirty linen.
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James Robinson, Jr. is an award-winning author of two non-fiction books: Fighting the Effects of Gravity: A Bittersweet Journey Into Middle Life, and Death of a Shrinking Violet. Book of Samuel – a Novella — is his first foray into fiction. He is an Indie Excellence Finalist and the recipient of a Readers’ Favorite Five-Star Review.
Robinson was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in 1974. He didn't become a serious writer until 1995 when he began writing Fighting the Effects of Gravity.
He lives in Pittsburgh with his wife, Deborah. He has three adult children and four grandchildren.
I like the structure the blog :D