Summary: "I think all the people I love will eventually leave me. Just disappear." "Maybe . . . I don't know . . . maybe we don't need lots of people. Maybe we just need one. And that's enough." BPOV.
I love Purelyamuse. She is without a doubt one on my favorite writers. Her stories never disappoint, even when she is making me cry. She writes truly beautiful angst. Not the kind that is over the top or ends with tragedy.
Just a pure emotional believable story.
Overpass is such a story.
A story that pokes at all sorts of emotions. For me, there was sadness, anger, trepidation, humor, and love. I wanted to junk punch Edward, punch Alice in the throat, and high five Bella. But mostly I wanted to take them in my arms and rock them both hoping they would figure it out.
"Think of this moment, right now, as an overpass. That's our past all the way over there." He nods toward Alice's neighborhood. "And we're here now, on this bridge making decisions. But over there . . ." He points toward my home, his hand coming close to my body when he does, and I'm mesmerized by it. "That's our future. We just have to walk to it. Go from one side to the other. And I'm not saying it won't be scary or that we won't have problems, but I really want to get to the other side. I want to get there with you." - Edward chap 14
How do you not love writing like that? I read that blurb over and over and it hurts my heart every time. It says so much all the while bringing the story full circle.
And because I am in such awe when I come across such amazing stories, I always wonder how the writer even comes up with the idea in the first place. And because Purelyamuse is always so gracious to her fans and followers, she indulged my curiosity...
This started out as a plot bunny, but I'd been working on Never Said I Didn't and had another I was into and didn't think I could start another. But I wanted to. When that happens I seek contests because they limit me, which is nice! At that point I went to the Season of Our Discontent to find a pic prompt that would further inspire me. I chose the tire swing pic which features in the first chapter in a two sentence blip. You blink and it's gone.
Anyway, the further I got into the story the more I realized there was no way this would fit the word count, so I just kept writing. But I was stubborn and kept it in one file. Even sent the first half like that to my pre-readers. Ha!
I got it written, sent it to my beta, who beat my butt for somethings--rightly so--which I fixed and now the story is much more solid. Hooray!
Beyond that I did add a scene or two based on reader questions and desires, but I'm happy for those adds. More Carlisle. More Edward. No complaints.
Definitely no complaints from me!
And I am really looking forward to Never Said I Didn't when it starts posting. That will be a bit of time though Purelyamuse has said. At the moment she is in the midst of moving, we all know how insane that is, and she is also going back to school for her B.A majoring in creative writing. She is a busy girl but we will be here waiting for more.
Go read Overpass. You will love it!! Read the blurb, nothing more needs to be said.
I love this. What a sweet review.Thank you so much so saying such kind things. As a blogger, I appreciate the effort this took. Not many people know how much time a small blog post like this takes, so I honored you spent that time on me and Overpass. Thank you.