Saturday, March 2, 2013

 photo noboundaries.png

Lot's of Leah & Nahuel love today! 

Many thanks to PMU for stumbling across these gems as well as Justagirl for writing such great stories!

The Fever | Justagirl28  Summary: Leah's homecoming has the potential to turn everyone's life upside down. That is ... if the legends are true.  Leah & Nahuel

Missing Pieces | Justagirl28  Summary: Maybe she was the missing piece in my life. Maybe I had it all wrong.  Leah & Nahuel

Graphics & Story Banner | PMU

This community is a collaboration between two site owners, Credoroza and PMU that thought it was about time to bring both sides of the fandom together in one place. As lovers of both sides of the fandom (wolf/vamp) we got together and put together the perfect idea - No Boundaries .. a Leah/Vamp lover affair community. Featuring both slash and non-slash.

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