Wednesday, February 6, 2013

As January comes to a close and February begins, we’re excited to celebrate one year of Random*Fandom! There are many people to thank for making it a great year and we’d like to do so by having a party to celebrate!
On February 18th, we’re throwing a party and everyone’s invited! All you have to do to help us celebrate is pen a little drabble. Anywhere from 150-500 words should do; using any set of characters you’d like to use, from any fandom. (This is Random*Fandom after all.) The drabble should be about a celebration or party.
And what would any good party be without party favors? All you have to do is put in an A/N that your drabble is to help celebrate Random*Fandom’s First Birthday and tweet us a link, or email us and we’ll send you a party favor – credit for one song on iTunes, for joining in the party.
Any questions?