Wednesday, January 23, 2013

PMU has been hard at work fic diving for some great Leah | Vamp stories and has added some fantastic gems to the community.  

Stop by and leave them some much deserved love...

Dark Waters | einfach mich  Summary: One a moonlit night in the forest, Leah comes upon a contemplative Edward. A well intentioned gesture turns into something new and dangerous. AU Warning: Angst, Smut and snark.

The Burden of a Leech Lovereinfach mich  Summary: Leah is feeling the stress of being in a relationship with Edward. AU Silly, Fluffy fun drabble.

They Set Out to Fight Lovetjcbunni22  Summary: The Cullens and Wolves discover the one strength in them that could either destroy their chances of survival in a dangerous changing world... Or rescue them from immortal obscurity. War is in the air, change inevitable and souls... Healing

The Cullen's Begin | tjcbunni22  Summary: Their beginning as a family to the young Olivia Cullen could not prepare them for her future and the danger she brings with it... Could Edward Cullen's sacrifice to the enigmatic daughter of Carlisle and Leah have been in vain... Or was her fate always sealed in his tragedy

The Cullen's Arrive | tjcbunni22  Summary: Carlisle Cullen's arrival with his brood in the rainy town of Forks was meant to be as dreary as the town itself. But unwittingly, he touches the heart of an adamant Leah Clearwater, and thus he risks losing his son and brother while setting in motion a series of events that threaten everything he once knew about love and immortality. Twilight explored without Esme Cullen.

They Set out To Kill Fatetjcbunni22  Summary: Bella's transition into immortality uncovered a truth in her character that they had never known. But it's too late, and the ripple effect leaves damaged souls and Leah's imprint struggling for normalcy in a world were hybrids aren't meant to exist.

Remembering LeahJustagirl28  Summary: During the war with the newborns. Leah hits her head and loses her memory. In her quest to get back her life she may get more than she bargained for.

This community is a collaboration between two site owners, Credoroza and PMU that thought it was about time to bring both sides of the fandom together in one place. As lovers of both sides of the fandom (wolf/vamp) we got together and put together the perfect idea - No Boundaries .. a Leah/Vamp lover affair community. Featuring both slash and non-slash.

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