Saturday, May 26, 2012

Fandom for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Has someone in your family been affected by leukemia? Have you always wondered what lymphoma really is?

Fandom4LLS has formed to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!

For a minimum $5 donation, you can receive a compilation of stories by Twific authors.

Also, one of the fandom's very own, ZiggyND, is running a half marathon for the cause.

If you are one of the first fifty to donate and email us your receipt and information, she will put a memorial or honorary name on her jersey for the person in your life affected by one of these horrible blood cancers.

For more information or to sign up as a contributing author, visit the "Contributing Authors Information" page.

You can also find us on Twitter @Fandom4LLS or email us at

We hope to make this charitable event a huge success, so please spread the word and check back again soon!

*Authors - For story banners, Banners For Causes and @Christag_Banner will be participating. If you need a beta, you can contact Sparkly Red Pen or Project Team Beta.

Important Dates
Story Submissions Deadline 8/15/12
Donations Deadline 8/30/12
Compilations Available 9/15/12

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