Tuesday, April 3, 2012
In the Service of the King by Laura Kaye
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
What a fantastic story! Though a novella, the story was packed from start to finish. I loved the story line. We have a tortured vampire king. A best buddy looking out for him, and a young virgin willing to give her everything to him, heart, soul, and blood.
That is where the similarity to the many vamp story lines end. Even as short as the story is, the author gave us a full on story line including the histories of the lead characters, characterizations, as well as a history on Celtic lore. The research that was done for this little story was phenomenal and had me in google after finishing just to look for more info of ancient Celtic traditions. I loved it, especially the bonding and mating scenes. Absolutely breathtaking in it's description and originality. I will never look at a Celtic Knot the same way again.
And let's not forget the smexiness. Definitely very pleasing in the erotica as well.
My only disappointment was the length. I would have loved for more of Kael and Shayla, but it is only book 1 in the series, so that made me very happy!
Bravo Laura! Just love stories that give so much from start to finish without leaving me guessing. Not one string left hanging.
If you like novella's reminiscent from the Harlequin historical periods, then the Vampire Warrior Kings series is for you!
Find more from Laura Kaye on Goodreads or on her author's blog.