Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We're fighting prematurity with the March of Dimes via fanfic!
It's Time for Round Two!
Hello, everyone!
In November of 2010, you helped raised over $5,300.00 for premature infants via the March of Dimes. We're proud to announce that it's time to do it again!
From March 1st to April 25th, 2012, Fandom for Preemies will be teaming up with Team Losh to raise funds for the March of Dimes, and you can participate in one of two ways:
1. You can make a minimum $5.00 donation to the March for Babies program here.
2. You can make a minimum $5.00 donation to the March of Dimes virtual band here.
The fundraiser will work much the same as it did in 2010. Once you've made your donation, you will forward your receipt to us at fandomforpreemies@gmail.com and on May 1st, 2012, we will send you a compilation of one-shots, futuretakes, side-shots, original stories, and more from your favorite fandom (and original fiction) authors!
If you're an author or banner artist, you can sign up to participate by filling out the form here.
Have questions?
Tweet us @Fandom4Preemies or email us at fandomforpreemies@gmail.com!
Our goal is to raise at least $1000.00 for the March for Babies Program via our partnership with the Team Losh walking team, and to raise at least $1000.00 for other March of Dimes programs via the virtual band!
Are you ready?