Sunday, December 4, 2011

How wonderful is this??

 In all, a total of $7,202.16 was raised. I cannot thank you enough, there simply are not words for what this and you mean to me. *hugs, kisses, wags, and licks* 

Please continue to visit the blog for updates, pictures, videos, etc. Leo is well into his training now, and I'm going up in early January for a visit to meet the man in person for the first time!!! (There WILL be pictures!) I'm SO excited about this and it's all possible because of the loving gift of your assistance. Thank you so very much.

Much love and many, many hugs,
Mal & Leo


When a group of people, basically strangers can come together to help another stranger, and I know it is a corny statement, but it just warms the heart. To be able to help out another person for a better quality of life. There are just no words.

And let us not forget the amount of time and effort the causes put in getting together these sites and compilations. They don't just sit back and collect. They are working tirelessly day after day, week after week to pull it all together.

So when I received the thank you card from Mal, I was so touched by her effort, kindness, and appreciation, it warmed my heart.

This is a shining example of the good in the world and another reason why I love the fandom.

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