Let me start by welcoming you to my fanatical world, welcome all from the different worlds of the fandom. We all enjoy a special kinship regardless of each individualized obsession with your choice of fandom.
Mine, vampires, all sorts of vampires. Adore them all.
My obsession has led me in to the world of The Black Dagger Brotherhood, The Scansguard Vampires, Midnight Breed, The Vampire Chronicles and of course, Twilight.
Whether it be a love of Vishous, Amoury, Lestat, or Edward, we have all fallen madly in love with our sexy vamps.
With these loves, come our obsessions for more. We are greedy, we want to be with our loves all the time, for enternity. We venture in to the worlds of Fanfiction, Twitter, Twilighted, and The Writers Coffee Shop to satiate our thirst.
We follow a multitude of blogs and fan sites for stories and manips to satiate of minds eye.
And we do all of this mostly from the closet, not daring to let other's know of our obsessions. We're not ashamed, not at all, we are just greedy and don't want to share or explain. Are we obsessed? Fanatical? Compulsive? Absolutely we are! These obsessed, fanatical, compulsions have led us to write, create, and venture in to the world of the fandom. They have also led us to read more. Discover new worlds. Make new friends and test our imaginations.
I have made new friends in this world, writers, readers, bloggers, and followers. I have enjoyed their friendships and talents.
It has led me to want an active participation in the fandom. I am now a reviewer for my favorite obsessions and stories for a paranormal website. Something I am enjoying immensely. Sharing my fanatical obsessions with like minded soul mates.
I will also be chatting and interviewing you, my friends, in the fandom and sharing your thoughts and opinions.
So join me with what brought you to the fandom and why you love it as much as I do!