Thursday, July 21, 2011
My boss can be such a huge pain in the ass. And in spite of his PIA status, I have been working for him for over 10 yrs and have grown to know him and his family very well. When his father in law was diagnosed with leukemia, PIA was newly engaged. It was heartbreaking for all of us to watch the daily ups and downs with the family. Needless to say, his father in law did not make it to walk his only daughter down the aisle. It still saddens me to think on such a happy day, there was such sadness.
PIA has run,swam, and biked for the past two years in the NYC Triathlon for The Hole in The Wall Gang. Founded in 1988 by Paul Newman, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp is a nonprofit, year-round center serving children and their families coping with cancer, sickle cell anemia, and other serious illnessess.
Because of such a personal association, he started The Antonino Labate Memorial Fund in conjuction with The Hole In The Wall Gang.
The race is coming up Aug 7. It is a grueling race for any one who has ever witnessed it, but awe inspiring to watch the athletes and fund raisers push their limits. My boss actually does very well in it every year, he is insanely focused.
So in a effort to promote Fandom for LLS and bring awareness to all, I am posting this message for my boss, the PIA, to bring awareness to this horrible disease and to share in the joy of knowing that we are helping to create memories that will last a lifetime for a child with a serious illness.
Below are the links for the The Antonino Labate Memorial Fund, The Hole In The Wall Gang, and Fandom for LLS. If no other reason than to bring awareness to yourselves, please take a look at the sites.
The Antonino Labate Fund
The Hole In The Wall Gang
Fandom for LLS